Election Day

Lunchtime update: So far, turnout seems to be much lighter than expected. Many media outlets are reporting that this morning's long lines are gone. "It was almost like it wasn't a presidential election year," county elections boss Bruce Sherbet told Dallas' Only Daily Newspaper. Will it pick up this afternoon and evening?

If you vote today, comment here, and we’ll update this post throughout the day. If you aren’t sure where to go to vote today, check here.

Later this afternoon, we’ll post some web sites and other places to get results tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll have our usual spot on commentary about what happened locally and why.

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10 Responses to Election Day

  1. Jeff Siegel says:

    At Dan D. Rogers, there was about a 15-minute wait at 7:15. I talked to a couple of people who told me that was one of the longest lines they had seen there since 2000. The line was mostly gone by 7:45, though.
    There were also a bunch of students wearing orange safety vests with safety patrol labels directing people and students here and there. I was impressed.

  2. Clay Farell says:

    At Lakewood Elementary the lines were probably 40-50 people long when the polls opened at 7:00, but everything flowed smoothly.

  3. Robert says:

    At Sammuell Grand Recreation Center around 8.00 am. No lines, no waiting, in and out in under ten minutes!
    I was the 85th vote cast at the time.

  4. Kris Scott says:

    Got to Martha T. Reilly at 7:30 a.m. Waited about half an hour, and the line was about 15 feet out the door when I got there. It was a bit shorter when I left. Two precincts vote there, and strangely, the other precinct didn’t have a line at all. I asked one of the election volunteers why, but the auditorium was half filled with rowdy kids, and he couldn’t hear me.
    The atmosphere was almost festive. Neighbors were running into neighbors, yelling out greetings and standing around to talk and laugh. I got out of my car a few blocks away from the school and a woman was returning to her home from voting. She was in sweats and drinking coffee. She pumped her fist at me and yelled, “ROCK THE VOTE!” Made me smile.
    Not everyone was having a good time. The election officials were already sniping at each other by 7:45 a.m. I think they’re going to have a VERY long day. I’m thinking about taking them coffee later …

  5. DK says:

    My wife walked right into “The Father’s Church” at around 9AM.

  6. I voted last week, but I dropped by the Lakewood Library (precinct 3209) to check out the scene. Pretty crowded but no long waits, according to some of the folks I ran into. One of the officials said that by 9 a.m., 200 people had already voted.

  7. Jeff Siegel says:

    Drove by Zion Lutheran at Lovers and Skillman and The Village around 10:45 a.m. Doesn’t look like there is going to be any record turnout based on what I saw. There was hardly anyone at Zion, and though there was a steady stream in and out at The Village, there didn’t seem to be any lines.

  8. Rick Wamre says:

    Just finished voting at Lakewood Elementary around 10:30 a.m.; there was no line, but there was a steady stream of people voting. I was number 297, and I can remember other election days when I’ve voted at roughly the same time and been number something-less-than-100. A word to the wise, though, if you want to get the free Starbucks coffee, Chick-fil-A sandwich or whatever by presenting your voting sticker — this precinct doesn’t have any stickers! Bring your voter registration card in to be stamped, or you’ll be out of luck for the freebies.

  9. Bev says:

    I voted this morning around 9 at Skillman Presbyterian. I was one of 3 voters there, and I was the 197th person to vote there today. The workers were really having fun — clearly enjoying their work…

  10. Quentin Mendoza says:

    Dan D Rogers, 4:30 p.m., no lines, voter 511
    Served on a jury today too; double the civic involvement

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