Lakewood man elected President….well, sort of.

Lakewood's own Tommy Callahan (aka Craig Spivey) was elected president of the Shore Party '08 Election Saturday night and won a Smart Car. Running on the "Labor Party" platform, Callahan, was the clear choice winner of the crowd. However, in an added twist, the Freak Party was also declared a winner in a "tie vote". The Freak party, if they won, pledged to donate the car to the Notre Dame School of Dallas. Kudos to the hosts, Michael and Judy Shore for adding the Freak Party as winners as now a good cause gets a good vehicle to further enhance their work.

The Commies, Democrats, Rush and Green Party's have nothing to show from the election but the great time they had.

The picture is of Callahan, standing next to his prize. The car is signed by all the members of the Black Crowes who played at the party.

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