Obama is winning 7-Election 08

0810_7electionBarack Obama is winning — in the so-called 7-Election
campaign, that is. As 7-11 patrons have already discovered, Obama and
McCain coffee cups have been available in stores since Sept. 30.
According to reports, the “just-for-fun” polls based on cup sales have been remarkably accurate in years past.

But I’ve noticed something interesting. I’ve dropped in neighborhood
7-11s each day since this thing started and I’ve seen very few
customers carrying out their coffee in either candidates’ cups —
rather, people seem to be sticking to the non-partisan cream-colored
cups. I’m not surprised, this political climate is more volatile than
any I’ve ever witnessed. I’ve seen daughters and moms; brothers and
sisters; and grandmothers and grandfathers infighting over this
election — and that’s just in my family.

So, while some of us enjoy a good loud impassioned debate, there’s
definitely a time and a place. For many, like me, those debates need to
wait until several hours after I’ve had my morning coffee. For what it’s worth, you can follow the 7-11 poll here.   

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