Go early if you’re going to vote Tuesday

I went to Samuel Grand Park on Friday for early primary voting around 6:45 p.m. In past years I’ve pretty much been able to slip in and out of the polls in a few minutes regardless of the election cycle (presidential, mayor, etc.) or if it was early or regular voting.
But this time I ended up standing in line for about two hours. (The election officials planted a couple of guys at the end of the line around 7 p.m., which is when polling was scheduled to end, to prevent anyone else from getting in the queue.)

The group I was standing with was very diverse and chatty so time flew by.
Except for the most die-hard Ron Paul or Mike Huckabee supporter, the main buzz is obviously with the Democratic nomination. The officials automatically handed me a Democratic ballot, and the official results also support that is was a heavily Democratic crowd.
Rick’s favorite newspaper also had a story on the city wide results that somehow seemed to understate the excitement in the crowd. My advice if you plan on voting on Tuesday is to plan for some extra time.

One Response to Go early if you’re going to vote Tuesday

  1. Jeff says:

    If anyone is still undecided, these articles may help:

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