Lakewood Paciugo update – look for construction in a month or so

February 26, 2008

As I dropped a couple of items at Glo Cleaners in Lakewood the other day, it struck me that we hadn’t heard much about the Lakewood Paciugo progress lately. (It’s slated to go up between Glo and Professional Bank, across the street from Whole Foods.) So I contacted April Charlemagne-Walding, who owns the local franchise with her husband, and asked for an update. Here’s what she said: “Right now we are trying to iron out a few details. Hope to start construction in about a month, all things going well.” That should put the store’s opening at just the right time, as the temperature starts climbing. And hopefully, after picking up a dip or two of gelato, there will be plenty of Whole Foods construction to watch across the street…

STA Auction – Great Success

February 26, 2008

The St Thomas auction was held this past weekend at the Belo Mansion. All numbers point to the most successful auction yet. Thanks to the generosity of many of the parents and the donations of the community, in excess of $200,000 was raised (final numbers are still be tallied). The auction’s proceeds helps keep the tuition at STA at a very reasonable level and remains one of the best private school values in the area.

One of the more interesting items was dinner for 12 with Fr. John at the new "back room" at Jimmy’s. It was split up with a few different parents and went for 30K total. Kudos to all who made it a huge success.

Check out those early voting numbers

February 26, 2008

Several stories (here and here) have broken down the impressive numbers, which look to be record-setting. Early voting is not only ahead of the 2004 presidential primary, but has already surpassed the totals for 1996 and 2000.

But I wanted to note a couple of local points not covered elsewhere. (All of the early totals are here — just click on the bottom two links for the party you’re interested in.)

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Check out those early voting numbers

February 26, 2008

Several stories (here and here) have broken down the impressive numbers, which look to be record-setting. Early voting is not only ahead of the 2004 presidential primary, but has already surpassed the totals for 1996 and 2000.

But I wanted to note a couple of local points not covered elsewhere. (All of the early totals are here — just click on the bottom two links for the party you’re interested in.)

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Film/TV review: Wuntch’s take on the Oscars

February 25, 2008

It’s been less than two hours since I watched the Oscar ceremony, and already I’m having trouble remembering details.

The ceremony was comfortable. The mood was cozy. The awards were predictable. In other words, this was one dull Oscarcast. It wasn’t the fault of host Jon Stewart, who started slowly but rebounded with his usual wry wit. Still, a couple of surprises would have been nice, not that I wanted anything as drastic as the “Crash” victory two years ago.

The only borderline surprise among major winners was Marion Cotillard’s victory for “La Vie en Rose,” the Edith Piaf biopic. Julie Christie, whose provocative walk in 1963’s “Billy Liar” brightened my high-school fantasies, was the anticipated winner for her radiant performance as an Alzheimer’s patient in “Away From Her.” Ms. Cotillard’s Edith Piaf was also radiant, but her film was more conventional.

The Cotillard triumph makes sense — at least from a dollars-and-cents perspective. Ms. Christie is an icon of a bygone era, the “swingin’ London” of the ’60s. Ms. Cotillard represents the future. She’s recently been cast opposite Johnny Depp’s John Dillinger in Michael Mann’s “Public Enemies,” also starring high-profile contemporaries Christian Bale and Channing Tatum. And she’ll play one of several women in Javier Bardem’s life in the movie verison of “Nine,” to be helmed by “Chicago” director Rob Marshall.

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Bill Clinton is stopping by Samuell Grand Park at 1:15 p.m. Tuesday

February 25, 2008

If you’ve ever wanted to get up-close-and-personal with a former president, here’s your chance: Bill Clinton will be visiting Samuell Grand Park, 6200 E. Grand Ave., today at 1:15 p.m. as part of a get-out-the-early-vote event adjacent to the rec center. Like him or not, how often does a former president show up this close to home? Be forewarned, though: He’s scheduled to be at an event 20 miles away (Mountain View College) at 11:45, and then he’s supposed to be in Grapevine at 2:45 p.m. And given his reputation for being late, and the rather tight schedule, who knows how that’s going to play out .

Tuesday 8 a.m. update: A Back Talker reader just called from downtown to report that Clinton’s motorcade, with motorcycle cops, lots of police cars and the big, black SUV, was seen on Ross near Tucker’s, the restaurant. It’s not often, she said, that you get to see a semi-presidential motorcade.

Bill Clinton is stopping by Samuell Grand Park at 1:15 p.m. Tuesday

February 25, 2008

If you’ve ever wanted to get up-close-and-personal with a former president, here’s your chance: Bill Clinton will be visiting Samuell Grand Park, 6200 E. Grand Ave., today at 1:15 p.m. as part of a get-out-the-early-vote event adjacent to the rec center. Like him or not, how often does a former president show up this close to home? Be forewarned, though: He’s scheduled to be at an event 20 miles away (Mountain View College) at 11:45, and then he’s supposed to be in Grapevine at 2:45 p.m. And given his reputation for being late, and the rather tight schedule, who knows how that’s going to play out .

Tuesday 8 a.m. update: A Back Talker reader just called from downtown to report that Clinton’s motorcade, with motorcycle cops, lots of police cars and the big, black SUV, was seen on Ross near Tucker’s, the restaurant. It’s not often, she said, that you get to see a semi-presidential motorcade.

A new twist on resale shopping

February 25, 2008

I stumbled upon a fun little store on Lovers Lane this past weekend. The sign out front read "Shopaholic!",
but when I first opened the door, I thought I had accidentally walked
into a beauty salon instead of a clothing shop. Turns out, it was both.

The stylist, who I’m assuming was Ami,
explained that the clothes and accessories hanging in two rooms of the
house-turned-business were all resale — picks from vintage shops and
estate sales and other stores’ sale racks (at least, that was my guess
when I saw a Marshall’s tag still attached to a sequined pink dress). I
found lots of adorable stuff, and a quick browse revealed price tags
mostly in the $10 to $30 range.

Ami said she and owner Sherry Gilderoy, who some people might know from the morning show on 103.7 lite FM, do all of the shopping for the store themselves, and often use the clothes and accessories in their makeovers. What a fun concept, and a good way to find cute, cheap clothes that aren’t being worn by everyone else.

And if it makes you feel even better, a portion of each sale is given to the Alliance for a New Humanity.

Woodrow sign snatchers

February 25, 2008

Signs encouraging families to "Choose Woodrow" are disappearing out of neighborhood yards, according to Woodrow PTA president Emily Martin. The high school’s recruiting committee recently drove around and stuck them in the front lawns of various Woodrow families in an attempt to encourage passersby to eschew private schools and opt for public school. Martin says that she had two in front of her Gaston residence, but now there’s only one. Someone came by and "just jumped out of the car, grabbed the sign, jumped back in the car, and sped off." Hers wasn’t the only one. Apparently several were ripped off.

Martin wisely said she wouldn’t "hazard a guess" as to who exactly is stealing them, but she figures it’s "someone who’s jealous, no doubt, of Woodrow’s prowess. Or someone who just thinks those signs are so darn cool."

The idea for the signs, by the way, came from Bobbi Willhite and the Woodrow recruiting committee. It’s a new publicity technique this year. Another big publicity event is tomorrow, the Welcome to Woodrow night from 7-8:30 p.m. on campus.  Prospective students will be able to shadow a current student to see what a typical day at Woodrow is like.

Also, for anyone who has questions about the Woodrow reconstitution, a Q&A with Principal Ruth Vail and Dallas ISD officials begins at 6 p.m.

Woodrow sign snatchers

February 25, 2008

Signs encouraging families to "Choose Woodrow" are disappearing out of neighborhood yards, according to Woodrow PTA president Emily Martin. The high school’s recruiting committee recently drove around and stuck them in the front lawns of various Woodrow families in an attempt to encourage passersby to eschew private schools and opt for public school. Martin says that she had two in front of her Gaston residence, but now there’s only one. Someone came by and "just jumped out of the car, grabbed the sign, jumped back in the car, and sped off." Hers wasn’t the only one. Apparently several were ripped off.

Martin wisely said she wouldn’t "hazard a guess" as to who exactly is stealing them, but she figures it’s "someone who’s jealous, no doubt, of Woodrow’s prowess. Or someone who just thinks those signs are so darn cool."

The idea for the signs, by the way, came from Bobbi Willhite and the Woodrow recruiting committee. It’s a new publicity technique this year. Another big publicity event is tomorrow, the Welcome to Woodrow night from 7-8:30 p.m. on campus.  Prospective students will be able to shadow a current student to see what a typical day at Woodrow is like.

Also, for anyone who has questions about the Woodrow reconstitution, a Q&A with Principal Ruth Vail and Dallas ISD officials begins at 6 p.m.