Tom Leppert gives Angela Hunt the cold shoulder

The Morning News reports that the new mayor is freezing out Angela Hunt from important council committee positions, especially when it comes to all matters Trinity.

The News says, "Ms. Hunt, a two-term council representative who last session served as vice chairwoman of the body’s quality of life committee, is the only member of the 2007-09 council to whom Mr. Leppert did not grant a coveted chairmanship or vice chairmanship." And Hunt didn’t even merit a seat on the Trinity River committee.

Hunt takes the high road, telling the paper, "All of the committees are important, and I’m happy to serve on those the mayor appointed me to."

Then there’s poor ex-council member Donna Blumer, who tells The News that she’s "very disappointed that the mayor I supported would resort to such petty tactics." For the record, that would be the second Blumer-supported mayor in a row who has disappointed her.

The move affects every member in Hunt’s district because it dilutes their influence at City Hall. And weren’t Dallas residents promised that this sort of political gamesmanship would end once Laura Miller left office?

3 Responses to Tom Leppert gives Angela Hunt the cold shoulder

  1. Farinata X says:

    Ms. Hunt, who has responded graciously to this insult, will be vindicated when the referendum passes in a landslide.

  2. Mike Harris says:

    What a petty man Leppert has turned out to be. I had hoped this type of nonsense would be behind us. It’s very disappointing.
    To her credit, Hunt responded with dignity and class, traits Leppert obviously lacks.
    If anyone wonders why Hunt is alone among the City Council in doing the right thing on the Trinity issue, look no further than this type of political payback. Hunt’s not afriad of the mayor. The others obviously are, and for good reason. Again, disappointing.

  3. Michael Mosteller says:

    I don’t find it disappointing at all. This is typical of recent Dallas mayors. Laura Miller pulled Hunt off a committee after the start of the petition. Mayor Park Cities, since he has no clue what to do as a mayor, is just following the example of Miller. He is doing exactly what we who support the Trinity Vote want him to do. He is reminding us why we need to put a check on him and his cronies. Can’t wait for the vote in November. And once again, Angela Hunt shows why people in East Dallas think so highly of her.
    While we are on the subject of Mayor Park Cities, what exactly is he currently doing to get games in the Cotton Bowl? Haven’t heard a peep out of him about his or the City’s efforts to get Tech and Oklahoma State in the Cotton Bowl during the Fair. Yet he wants to withhold the funds to improve the Cotton Bowl till he hears if other games are going to be there. So he does nothing to get the games there but also won’t vote to authorize funds (that have already been approved by the voters…sounds familiar) that could help attract a new series and the $$$ it would bring in.
    I am starting to agree with my wife when she says CEOs really don’t do anything to earn their large salaries. I think we are all beginning to see that he is all hat, no cattle.

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